Tri 3 Test Corrections • 20 min read


tri 3 test corrections for the third MCQ

Test Corrections

Score 64/70


The player controls in a particular video game are represented by numbers. The controls and their corresponding binary values are shown in the following table.

The numeric values for the controls can also be represented in decimal (base 10).

  • I chose Option D.
  • Option D is incorrect. The binary equivalent of 48 is 110000.
  • Correct Option C
  • Option C is correct. The binary value 11000 is equal to which is equal to 24.
  • Looking back, I probably rushed on this question. Both this and question eleven could have been correct if I took the tie to double check my quick math.


The player controls in a particular video game are represented by numbers. The controls and their corresponding binary values are shown in the following table.

The numeric values for the controls can also be represented in decimal (base 10).

  • I chose C
  • Incorrect. The decimal value for → is equal to 11
  • Answer D Correct. The decimal number 15 is equal to 2^3+2^2+2+0 which is represented in binary as 01111. Therefore, the decimal value 15 represents the ↓ control.


The figure below represents a network of physically linked devices labeled A through I. A line between two devices indicates that the devices can communicate directly with each other.

Any information sent between two devices that are not directly connected must go through at least one other device. For example, in the network represented below, information can be sent directly between A and B, but information sent between devices A and G must go through other devices.

  • I chose B
  • Incorrect. It is possible for a message to be routed from device A to device I through more than four other devices. One possible path is A-B-G-E-H-F-I.
  • The correct answer was C
  • Correct. If devices B and F fail, then devices E, G, and H will become isolated from devices A, C, D, and I. Therefore, device A will be unable to communicate with device G.
  • Looking back, I could have went through and looked at the different paths. I did not want to stare at the screen for that long and this led me to rush the process. I want to relook over the server connection stuff because I am not particularily fluent in it. However, this should have been logicced out.


Which of the following is an example of an attack using a rogue access point?

  • I chose C
  • Incorrect. Tricking a user into providing personal information is an example of a phishing attack. While this type of attack can be used to obtain personal information, it does not allow unauthorized individuals to intercept information transmitted on a network.
  • Correct is A
  • Correct. A rogue access point is a wireless access point that gives unauthorized access to secure networks. Data sent over public networks can be intercepted, analyzed, and modified. One way that this can happen is through a rogue access point.
  • I need to review the definition of a rogue access point. I guessed C but looking back, a rogue access point should be a point that is not connected to anything else. This would make option C questionable as it never mentions anything remote or rogue.


RunRoutr is a fitness tracking application for smartphones that creates suggested running routes so that users can run with each other. Upon downloading the application, each user creates a username, a personal profile, and a contact list of friends who also use the application. The application uses the smartphone’s GPS unit to track a user’s location, running speed, and distance traveled. Users can use the application to review information and statistics about their previous runs.

At the beginning of a run, users indicate the distance they want to run from their current location, and the application suggests a running route. Once a user accepts a suggested route, the application shares the suggested route with other compatible users in the area so that they can run together. Users are considered compatible if they are on each other’s contact lists or if they typically run at similar speeds.

A basic RunRoutr account is free, but it displays advertisements that are targeted to individual users based on data collected by the application. For example, if a user’s running route begins or ends near a particular store, the application may display an advertisement for that store. Users have the ability to pay a monthly fee for a premium account, which removes advertisements from the application.

  • I chose C
  • Incorrect. While running data captured by the application may be inaccurate if two users are using the same account, this is not considered a privacy concern.
  • The correct answer was B
  • Correct. The application will inform a user whenever a nearby compatible user starts a run. This could allow users to determine the location of a stranger, which is considered a privacy concern.
  • This stream of questions hurt my head. the RunRoutr was a lot of reading and it made things harder to perform. Looking back I should have read the question more carefully instead of rushing to the finish line.


The following code segment is intended to remove all duplicate elements in the list myList. The procedure does not work as intended.

j LENGTH(myList)



IF(myList[j] = myList[j - 1])


REMOVE(myList, j)


j j - 1


For which of the following contents of myList will the procedure NOT produce the intended results?

Select two answers.

  • I chose B and D
  • B is Incorrect. The code segment will iterate over myList from right to left, removing the sixth element (20), the third element (30), and the second element (30). This results in the list [30, 10, 20], which contains no duplicates, as intended. D is incorrect. The code segment will iterate over myList from right to left, removing the all elements but the first. This results in the list [50], which contains no duplicates, as intended.

  • The correct answers werew A and C

  • A is Correct. The code segment will iterate over myList from right to left, removing each element that is equal in value to the element immediately preceding it. For this list, the code segment will remove the sixth element (10), the fourth element (20), and the second element (10). This results in the list [10, 20, 10], which still contains duplicates
  • C is Correct. The code segment will iterate over myList from right to left, removing each element that is equal in value to the element immediately preceding it. This list does not contain any pairs of adjacent elements that are equal in value, so no elements will be removed even though the value 40 appears twice in the list.

  • The flaw in this psuedo code is obviously that it can only check the one behind it. This means that if the duplicates were seperated by more than one space, it owuld be incorrect. I really rushed this last question and it shows.


  • Overrall, I am happy with my score. a lot of the mistakes I amde and the questions I struggled on were largely a product of not being able to focus or remember certain terms. Questions were I had to logic out the full psuedo code made me strain my head. With my concussion, it made it extremely difficult to focus the entire way through. I will review this entire test when I am healed.