CSP quiz • 14 min read


CSP quiz


  • I spent a lot longer on this mcq than on the last one. I made sure to actually logic through the pseudo code instead of trying to guess my way through it. However, some of the questions, mainly the ones after question 60, I had to ask for help with solving. I probably would have gotten 8-10 more wrong without the help of Hanlun ahd Gurshawn. Some of the homework assignments that were given by the team teaches were very close to the questions that were being asked. Some like the Internet, Crowdsourcing, and Routing and Computing gave questions that were almost identical to the questions that the MCQ gave. This added knowledge helped me answer less code bases problems. However, I spent too much time on this MCQ. I did not complete it the alloted class time on Wednesday and had to complete on Thursday. I can take my time and reason out the code, but I am still inefficient and need to have more fluency when I am reading psuedo code. In order to pass the AP exam, I have to come to conclusions more efficiently and be able to trust myself to solve out the Psuedo code without having to write it down. I should also be able to notice patterns in between psuedo code problems. I can do this by answering more psuedo code mcqs or reading more psuedo code. I could also look at more coding problems and use psuedo code to help me understand how I would solve these problems. I also felt like I needed to take a step back when reading the long and more logic based questions. These ones were often the hardest. A better plan of attack for these questions might to be read what each given function does and write down what actions each answer completes. I could also try reading each answer step by step in order to eliminate incorrect answers through process of elimination. This could assist and affirm my answers on future MCQs. I felt as though I could read and understand the Pseudo code better on this MCQ. After reading the Psuedo code collegeboard sheet at the end of last trimester, I better understood what each symbol meant. This allowed me to move faster and understand what each function did more efficiently. Even though I still have a lot of room to improve(as previously stated), I felt that my understanding has increased since last trimester. In order to prepare for the AP exam, it would probably be best to watch through the Collegeboard videos. After seeing how helpful the team teaches were, I imagine it would help if I used and learned from the sources they learned from.


  • Q:15 Consider the two programs below. img img Which of the following best compares the values displayed by programs A and B? Responses A Program A and program B display identical values in the same order. B Program A and program B display the same values in different orders. C Program A and program B display the same number of values, but the values differ. D Program B displays one more value than program A.

I picked D becuase I thought program B would display values 1-11 and program a would display values 1-10. However they both display values 1-10 because the value of I is changed first.

Q:25 Which of the following statements correctly explain how the Internet is able to facilitate communication at a large scale?

A central monitoring computer is used to track and maintain the connections of the Internet. Data is routed between points in multiple ways so that if a connection fails, the data can be rerouted around the inoperative connections. Protocols for packets and routing are used so that computers from different manufacturers can communicate in a standard way. Responses A I and II only B I and III only C II and III only D I, II, and III

The answer is C. I chose D even though the Ineternet is not controlled by a monitored by one computer but rather multiple devices. Therefore the answer is C. This question was answered in the Internet Team Teach.

Q:38 Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) has been introduced to replace the previous version (IPv4). Which of the following best describes a benefit of IPv6 over IPv4? Responses A IPv6 addresses are shorter than IPv4 addresses, which allows for faster routing of packets. B IPv6 allows for a greater number of addresses than IPv4, which allows more devices to be connected to the Internet. C IPv6 eliminates the use of hierarchy in addressing, making addresses easier to use. D IPv6 allows users to bypass older security protocols so that data can be sent peer-to-peer without the use of routers.

IPv6 addressed are longer which means that there can be more variations of IPv6 addresses in comparison to IPv4 addresses. This means more devices can be connected to the internet.

Questions to look over

  • 60-67 Needed help
  • 56 Needed help
  • 41 Needed help
  • 37 Needed help
  • 22 Spent 7 minutes
  • 21 Spent 8 minutes